The Ides of March are Near..

For some of us, that’s a good thing. I think at Crowe Chizek, where Lindsey works, that is the last day taxes are due for most businesses. Whereas all of our taxes are due on the dreaded April 15th. Not for me though, as I have already got that taken care of. I had a huge refund from federal. Along with that and my state return I actually paid off one of my credit cards! Very amazing and exciting! So what’s new in the life of me? Let’s break it down, shall we?


  • February 24th marked my sister’s wedding blessing/ceremony with my brother-n-law Chris. That was in Augusta, GA. Luck was on our side that weekend as Lindsey actually was able to come down. All last month she was contracted out at Cardinal Health in Dublin and was able to miss out at working back at the Crowe offices on Saturdays. I drove up with my parents on Friday (which we were the first witnesses of an incredible Nascar like wreck in the mountains of West Virginia!), and Lindsey drove my car partway that night and met with us Saturday morning. It was a great time as expected and Lindsey had a lot of fun meeting all of my nephews and niece. Lindsey and I then drove back Saturday. A long, but enjoyable 10-hour trip it was. You can find pictures of the event on Lindsey’s Facebook or on my MySpace page, respectfully.


  • My job didn’t go full time after my review. So I’m being forced back down to 31 hours. However, not all is lost as it looks like it’s just going to hopefully be a matter of time. And believe me, I was compensated in such a way that I’m happy and will not be quitting anytime soon.


  • On March 9th, Lindsey and I celebrated six months together. Unbelievable. Well, not unbelievable we’ve made it to our first milestone in our relationship, but unbelievable I’m even at a point of this type of thing in my life finally. Ok, maybe it’s not that remarkable, but I sure am happy! Six months in my relationship also means five months since my departure from the Mortal Kombat Online team. It also means four more months until our lease is up on this apartment of ours.


  • Winter has finally vanished. Well that’s the hope. The sun finally found us here in Ohio and we’ve been enjoying highs in the 60ties. Amen to that. With warm weather this leads us  to Lindsey’s birthday which is…


Tomorrow! The breakdown of the past month is complete and tomorrow is Lindsey’s 24th Birthday! Happy Birthday! For her birthday I got her a (ask me tomorrow). I sure hope she enjoys it. Not an incredible amount of other stuff going on lately. Over the weekend I did see The Number 23 at Easton with Lindsey and I thought it was pretty good. Jim Carrey can’t be completely evil though. He managed to get some laughs in at the beginning. Um.. Windows Vista is holding up well. I got my good old, 24 style clock gadget on my desktop working out now. Best show ever.. Monday nights at 9 PM on Fox. Watch it. Speaking of Vista, so D’Arque Bishop, when are you making the switch?

Well that’s it for me tonight. First day of work is tomorrow for me. I’m taking Mondays off now. I found ways to pass the time by playing a free online java version of Settlers of Catan I saw online the other day. Anyway, time to wrap up this post. Good Night readers, whoever you are.

3 responses to “The Ides of March are Near..”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Glad it’s getting warmer up there! ;o)

    Hope Lindsey has a GREAT Birthday!



  2. drkbish Avatar

    I currently have no plans to migrate to Vista.

    There really is no compelling reason to do so at this point. I don’t use any software that is Vista-exclusive, and my XP install is working fine as it is. I MIGHT consider installing once SP1 is available, but other than that I’ll stick with XP.

    And for the record, if I decide to go the “new computer” route, it’ll likely be towards a Mac Mini instead of a PC. 🙂