Chapter Two: The End of something great; the start of something amazing.

In the time of my last posting on this journal my life has suddenly changed more so than I ever thought was imaginable. I always knew deep down for some reason that this year was going to be a time for growth for me and a time for change, but it really hasn’t started to hit me what big of a change my life would take until I take in account all that has changed in my life in the past month. For those that are not aware, due to certain circumstances I have resigned from Mortal Kombat Online – The very website I helped co-create eight years ago that has a fan base of over 40,000 registered users and counting. From my resignation post on MK Online:

Though it might come as a surprise, tonight I unfortunately have to share some news with all of you in the Mortal Kombat Community. Recently I have been faced with new challenges that have forced me to rethink what it is that I want in life. Not only with Mortal Kombat Online, but with my personal life as well. And with these new circumstances that I find myself in, I’ve had to make a decision recently about whether or not these situations should be a cause for my decision to leave from this website as your webmaster. Unfortunately, I regret to inform that I will in fact be resigning as your webmaster of Mortal Kombat Online. Although the reasons are personal, and will remain personal, you can trust in myself that this is something that I felt had to be done. As a post-college graduate, I’m going to use this opportunity to start a new chapter in my life, and am I ever excited about the possibilities that are in my path. Please know that the decision to leave was thought out thoroughly and was not by any means an easy decision.

For close to eight years I have worked along side the staff of Mortal Kombat Online as not only your webmaster but as the co-creator. Together with Joseph Schorr, I built and put together a place called MK5.ORG that eventually grew into the world’s largest Mortal Kombat fan site on the internet with millions of visitors from around the globe. I am proud that I can say that I was a part in the creation of this community which has become a family for not only me, but for the rest of you as well. I have been able to live the life of the ultimate Mortal Kombat fan thanks to everyone’s support in the community, as well as Midway Games and the Mortal Kombat team. This website has shown me that with a little dedication, lots of hard work and a little luck, it is possible to live your dreams. I have lived a dream only a few Mortal Kombat fans will ever have the opportunity to experience. For that, I am grateful beyond all comprehension. I have never looked forward to the day I would write my last post on Mortal Kombat Online, nor did I ever think the end would come. However, after recent events I have learned that there are things far greater out there calling my name and I’m anxious as to what is awaiting for me on the other side of the fence.

Some of you might know me better than others. For those that know me in the community I thank you so much for all of the support you have shown me over the years. You have shown that all of my hard work was worth it, even in the rough times. I consider you all a part of my online family. As for those of you that I am closest with or that I have actually met, I look forward to continuing my friendships with you. For those who are new to this website and are just realizing who I am, know that I gave my all to make this site the best it could ever be. I have decided that even though I will be leaving this website, I will continue to be an important idol of the Mortal Kombat Community. I’m not going to stop hanging out in IRC, and I will even try to post on the boards from time to time. Mortal Kombat has made me into the person I am today. I can’t leave it all behind.

So with that, this ends a chapter in the life of Mortal Kombat Online. I have faith that the rest of the Mortal Kombat Online staff will continue to move this site into the future. Please let this not be a day of sorrow, as great things will come from this site even without me at the helm. I thank you once again for all of the memories and for helping make my dreams come true. It has been an incredible ride!


Scott Howell

So with all of that above said, I’m passing the reigns over to the site’s previous senior-editor and close friend D’Arque Bishop.  I know that with him the site is in great hands. I need to state though how hard it is to part with something I have put so much work into since I was fifteen. It’s been really hard these first few days, but after it set in I’m continuing to realize that my accomplishments on the site will forever stand. Thank you to all of the emails I received in my inbox from perfect strangers, as well as all of the support that was shown on the forum after I left. Even though the website has such a large audience, I never realized how many people actually cared about the work I did to such a great extent. So where does this leave me in life now? Well for starters I’m looking at getting into a career path finally, and I think I have a good shot. As well, I’ve started dating a wonderful girl named Lindsey who has made so many of my dreams come true in the past month. Even though it’s sad that I’m moving on with Mortal Kombat, I’m thrilled at all of the new things God has thrown into my path. Life truly is setting into motion for me finally after all these years. This truly is a pinnacle moment of my life. I’ve never felt so great! This truly is the start of something amazing as I really am entering a brand new chapter of my life.

Let’s see where it takes me.