Nothing new here, move along.

Today has been rather unproductive. I mean really, I got nothing accomplished. I worked.. that was it. Ahhhhh. Ok, you’ll have that. Yesterday, I went to a career fair and hopefully I’ll get some calls. Seriously, if anybody thinks they can help me find something let me know. Bobby, Ryan, and me talked about getting an apartment this summer and that is something I really wanted to do. It was my goal for this summer before I left Steak n Shake, and I’d still like to be able to figure out a way to do it. This weekend is going to be kind of hectic. I work all of it. Tomorrow night after work I’ll be going to Peace Lutheran to help with the 30 hour famine my jr high kids are doing. Ok, well technically they are Ryan’s kids, but I’ve been helping with this group for over two years now. I guess I can call them mine now too. They are great, even though I’m afraid and sure that some of them are doing drugs, having sex, and other bad things that they don’t need to be mixed in at that age. Hopefully Ryan, Bobby, and myself have some sort of influence on them. They like us a lot, and they keep coming back to group every Wednesday so hopefully we’re making some kind of impact in their lives. It’s a good feeling. Ok.. it’s only going on 1 am.. so early… I’m going to read the Da Vinci Code again.. haven’t in a couple of days. I have to actually finish a book for once. It’s good.. Fiction.. but good.

Sunday night I know where I’ll be.. I’ll be here.. online.. updating for E3. All night.. Stay tuned for the update on May 1st. You heard it here first. 😉

But no I’m not going this year.. Sniff.. :’-(