Never enough hours in a day.

I’m not sure where to begin with this one. Honestly even though it’s after 8, this is a fairly early post for me, but I’ve got a few minutes I need to kill, and I’m not sure what else to do. Here’s the recap for the week so far:

First off was Easter Sunday. It was a pretty nice day for me. It started out with church. I was off, so I slept in a little more and caught the last service with Bobby. Overall it was pretty good. After that I went home and chilled out for a little while and headed with my parents to the hospital where my grandfather was staying. His hand was having bad circulation. So we spent a couple of hours there and kept him company. Thankfully for myself, my cousin Alyssa and her boyfriend Dustin were home so they met us at the hospital and I drove with them to Cracker Barrel where we met up with all of our folks and had Easter Dinner. We usually don’t eat out for Easter.. but Alyssa works there when she’s home from school and gets a nice discount. As for my grandfather, he’s out of the hospital now and sadly has to stay in a nursing home for right now. Mom and Dad had to break the news to him a few days ago. I’m not sure how long he’s staying there or if it’s permanent or not. As for Monday.. that was my day off and me and Bobby ran some errands and I spent most of the day hanging out with him. Yesterday I worked a long shift at work then headed over to group. I wanted to go to this Creation talk, but Nic or Bobby forgot to tell me. Group was fun though.. not much of a Bible Study. We just stayed outside and played Ultimate Frisbee and had cake and wings for Dana’s birthday. Good times.. After that I headed over to Peace Lutheran’s in Ryan’s office and Bobby, me, and him played online poker until like 1:30 a.m. We made some good money! Haha. I don’t want to get addicted to that. As for tonight… headed to fellowship in a few at Nic’s..

A few prayer requests.. Usually don’t do this. First off, my mom is in the hospital. I’m not really sure why, she tried to explain it to me. I think it has to do with Acid Reflux or something. I think she’s ok, haven’t seen her all day, just talked to her on the phone. My mom says whatever it is, they can treat it, but she has to stay over night. So please pray for her recovery. I don’t like this. Also, Alyssa just imed me while I was writing this.. Apparently the American Embassy in Afghanistan was a target for terrorists today. I guess they missed or something and hit a TV station or something instead. This is relevant to me because my Uncle Joe works at the American Embassy over there.. and it wasn’t hit.. but things are chaotic over there and we haven’t heard from him yet. So please pray that he is safe…

That’s it for tonight. Later.