Get excited over nothing?

I’m going to steal only part of a survey from D’ArqueBishop, as I’m too lazy to fill out the rest. Also for the fact that I have other things to talk about, and I don’t have five livejournal friends to pass the survey onto like it asked. Anyway, the first two questions are as followed:

What Were You Doing 10 Years Ago?
Ten years ago I was 12. That would have put me I think in sixth grade? Man, if ten years ago I was only in sixth grade, I guess I’m not that old after all. I don’t remember if it would have been this time of year, but sixth grade was the time when I was actually on a basketball team. As for Valentine’s Day, I don’t think I had developed any major crushes during that year. However, a year earlier in fifth grade, I sure did have the hots for Tiffany Scott. A year later I would have my first “girlfriend” in 7th grade for almost less than a month – Rachel Yinger.

What Were You Doing A Year Ago?
One year ago today, I worked at Wendy’s just like today, and after work I met Nic at Bobby’s house and we snuck in and hid in the basement. The reason? Bobby was about to arrive home after spending over a year in Iraq for the Army Reserves, and we were there to surprise him. At this time, I was still in college finishing out my second to last term at DeVry University which I ended up with a nice 3.8 GPA. On Tuesday nights from 6 PM to 9 PM I was taking that dreaded Economics class. At Mortal Kombat Online, D’ArqueBishop and ]{0MBAT were getting ready to report from Midway’s Gamers Day in Las Vegas on the MK: Deception Gamecube version and a little bit of MK: Shaolin Monks. Life sure was a lot more intense a year ago.

I really do wonder, and I mean I really do wonder what I’ll be doing a year from now. I have no clue. I refuse (and this time I mean it!) to be working at Wendy’s. As for my life today. Valentine’s day is tomorrow. Since I don’t have a girlfriend, I will probably spend the evening with Josh. As Josh and me are the only single friends left from our group. Maybe we’ll cuddle up together on the couch and watch Saw II or something. So romantic. Here at the home front, stress is still the story of the day. No job yet, but a whole lot of pressure from the parents. I feel bad for Carrie as they are on her case too. I’ve been a little slower on applying for jobs this week, but I will pick up soon again. I’ve just been at work a lot during the days doing some long shifts and I’m usually tired by the time I get home. I do want to thank anybody who did read my last post. I’m pretty much in the same boat, but I’m hoping things will start to work out a little better eventually. I’ve got people praying for me and that feels good. Thank you all, and yes even you, the random person on the West Coast! It means a lot. As for my social life.. nothing new. Well Bobby has another girlfriend Kim, Nic’s wedding has been moved to June 10th, so I can’t be his best man (I’m Andrew’s best man already on that day), Ryan is his usual happy self, and I’ve played a lot of games of Setters of Catan w/the Cities and Knights Expansion set lately.

24 is about to come on any minute now, so I must be wrapping this up. That does remind me however to mention that I’m back with Netflix again on their one at a time program. I’m watching the first season of Six Feet Under which is from HBO. Also, I’m contemplating trying out for a musical.. Oliver actually. No decision there yet. E3 is in May. I want to go to E3 this year but I’m not sure if that’s working out at the present time. But I intend on going.

Also, I’ve been with LiveJournal a year since my move from Blurty. That weblog based on LiveJournal’s code hasn’t updated their homepage in four years. It’s amazing it’s still there! Anyway that’s a wrap. Till next time..