This marketing course will be the fourth time I’ve had a class with Pahanna, so by now It’s become very obvious to myself and the class that she hates President Bush and the whole war on terror. Even when the subject at hand has nothing to do with politics, she manages to somehow to fit in her hate for the right wingers in this country. Some how in an introduction to the principals of marketing she felt it was needed to bring up Bush’s latest political ad that has focused since John Kerry become the Democratic Candidate after the primaries last week. She said to us “Who has seen the ad where Bush has to use 9-11 in his message, as a means to get people to vote for him? Don’t you agree in a marketing sense, that that will come back and bite him in the future?” It was rather funny, for one this had nothing to do with marketing in my opinion, and two, everybody in the class including myself promptly said “No”, much to her dismay. She looked at us like we were all stupid and said “You don’t think so?”.
It seems the majority of the professors at DeVry are liberal, including her, my E-Commerce Prof. Phillips, and my accounting Professor Elkin, all from last term. It was quite a shock when I went into Finance yesterday and Prof. Ditty.. who has a quite the potty mouth, started bashing left wingers and their liberal ideas. He seemed to like Bush, and the fact that under his administration at least he’s protecting us from terrorism. It is true, I mean if you don’t think you are conservative and believe this war on Iraq is a waste of time, you really need to see the whole picture. Since the War has began we put a terrorist out of power. Ok, maybe they didn’t find “weapons of mass destruction”, but that’s just another excuse for people like Kerry and Dean to just say the war wasn’t justified. How is it NOT justified? Sadaam is no longer in power, Iraq is a better and safer nation, and I sure as hell feel a lot safer here. The majority of troops realize war is no fun, my own friend is there now. But if you listen to the majority of troops interviewed on TV you will see they know they have a purpose there, and feel like they are doing the right thing. It makes me sick almost that democrats say that they want all the troops home. Fine, let them all come home, so they can stop protecting us, and we’ll see another September 11th. Bush has my vote this year. In case you are more on the liberal side, sure we can still be friends :-). But don’t let TV and newspapers decide your political agenda. Most uneducated people who don’t bother watching the news, will vote for Kerry this election because that’s what the media is selling them. The media is a considerably left-winged forum, except for the few exceptions of networks like Fox News. But yes, please know the facts and don’t buy into what the media tells you, form your own opinions. That’s our freedom and our right. Then vote for you want to be president.