Go rent this movie called Repli-Kate

Oh Goodness. What a week this hasn’t been. 🙂 I’ve been wanting to write, because the past week was one of my few weekly breaks from school after the finish of the term. However, last Monday I got my wisdom teeth removed and until about last night on Halloween, I was miserable! As I told a bunch of people I never want to go through that again, and luckily I never will. I was put to sleep for the ordeal, however all four of the wisdom teeth they took out had not yet surfaced. I spent all day Monday and Tuesday in bed with gauze in my mouth to stop the bleeding, and with ice packs on my cheeks. Wednesday I looked like a chipmunk and still could barely eat. Thursday, I’m still swollen, and had to call off work. Never, Never want to go through that again. But like I said, last night I felt a little better. I had my Tylenol on hand. (Not my Vicoden.. strong stuff let me tell you, but I stopped taking it on Wed afternoon). Anyway I went out with Josh, Bobby, Nic and Emily and made a stop at Louie’s… and we left because the party wasn’t really that happening and none of us were going to stay there and drink, nor did we want to. I had all the partying I can probably take for quite awhile in Athens LAST weekend when me, Nic, and Bobby visited our friend Adam. I did drink, but kept my self under control because frankly I think my party days are about just over. Ohio University is huge when it comes to getting drunk on the weekends, and as much as that’s fun every once in awhile, these people live by the code of alcohol. But it was interesting playing “Asshole”.. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a drinking card game.. and heh I actually wasn’t that bad at all. But overall, the trip was not really the best I’ve taken, with the trip to Akron last year being much better. But it was good to hang out with Adam and see the campus.

As for school, I start again on Monday… for Fall Term – my fifth semester. I’m like the Energizer Bunny. I just keep going, and going, and going. A recap of my summer term grades included two C’s in Statistics and Financial Accounting. I hate math, and I’m a terrible accountant, so it’s not that bad. But I made it up in Database with a solid B, and I got an A in Visual Basic. Ironically Visual Basic is programming, which is what I hate, which is what I would have been doing if I stayed in the CIS program. My schedule for next term isn’t going to be that work friendly, but I have Fridays off! My new classes will be Managerial Accounting… the last accounting coarse I have to take, Professional Writing, my last English class I have to take, E-Commerce, and Business Operating Systems. I love learning cool things 🙂

Website wise.. how I want to talk about MK5.ORG.. but I can’t. Things are busy.. Going really good… maybe someday I can talk about it. To finish off, I’m asking that somebody comment on my journal. Come on, Alisha.., Jonin.., Joe.. anybody.. please!!

With that I’m out.