Projectile Oatmeal, Toddler Eating Issues & Facebook’s Fate

First their was the fear of Jackson going potty in public without a diaper. Luckily I made it through that father test, however yesterday I faced another challenge I had been hoping would never come – a sick toddler.

Surprisingly, Jackson has never really been that sick since he’s been home with us. There was a couple of times he had a cold and a real bad runny nose and cough, but that’s to be expected I guess and they usually came and went very quickly. Last night however Jackson had a strange quick turnaround from healthy bouncy boy to a lethargic sick kid with a fever. It happened really quickly after his afternoon nap. I noticed he wasn’t full of his normal hyper self after his nap and he wasn’t really interested in doing anything beside watch TV. Then, when Lindsey got home he actually started to feel very hot and was almost falling asleep. Of course we couldn’t find our thermometer, so Lindsey headed to Target real quick to grab one. Well, while she was gone he would not do anything. I even asked if he wanted to do his favorite activities which include Eating, Dancing and Horse rocking. He politely told me “No Papa” to each question. Well after giving him some water, Jackson vomited everywhere nearly missing me in the process. Pretty gross. But he did end up okay after that. We gave him some medicine for the fever and in less than an hour he was back to his normal self running around and wanting to play. He’s been fine ever since! It was such a strange quick sickness, but it seems to have passed.

Also, this is kind of on a different subject, but lately in the last month Jackson has started going through an annoying phase. I’m sure it’s normal, but we’re not sure how to handle it. Basically, he’s refusing a lot of the food we offer him for meals, sake the food he really enjoys like oatmeal, hotdogs, and the like. He used to eat almost anything we made for dinner as long as we cut it up in small pieces, but now he is being really stubborn.  A typical dinner tonight of left over lasagna took about an hour or so to even get him to eat a few bites. Does anybody have any advice?

Last, I am closer and closer to dropping Facebook. I know I’ve been driving the point a lot, but Google+ is great. I’m not pushing the idea simply because you should join “another” social network. But, for many of us Facebook is an addiction that hundreds of my friends are hooked to. I want to break free from spending hours each day reading my feed. I’m still a tech guy at heart though and I think social networking is okay and fun, but Google+ is changing the way you share information and let’s you really share what you want with only who you want. And as I mentioned earlier,  one of the best features is the quick way to just read up on people you care about and hide all the other junk if you just need a break.

So as an update to my last post, I’m closer to possibly quitting Facebook. There’s still clever ways I can share my blog updates via email to my close friends until they make the jump. If I do move to Google+ I plan on updating my blog more frequently though. If I make this “bold” move, I’m excited to see how much of my day will be free to actually get work done and in turn spending more quality time with my son.

As a side note, I’m going to help a new group of Stay at Home dad’s by hosting a weekly hangout on Google+ to offer support and friendship for other Stay at Home Dad’s – and specifically for those who happen to have adopted. More details on that soon!


3 responses to “Projectile Oatmeal, Toddler Eating Issues & Facebook’s Fate”

  1. Alyssa Avatar

    I just want to say that I remember you not eating anything when you were little. Remember the “taco bell incident”? hahahaha, he might be adopted, but like father, like son 🙂

    Anywhoo, when I worked at the day care we had a picky eater who would never eat the lunches we served. His mom brought in some kind of fruit snacks that had his favorite cartoon character on them. If he ate a fair amount of his lunch (and his dinner at home), he would get some fruit snacks. Since he really really really liked them, it usually worked. So maybe a small special treat after lunch and dinner? dum-dums, pudding cup, or one cookie? I would suggest a lunch time treat that is different from a dinner treat so it stays special. I know that’s what the mom did at the day care. The key is to give it to them right after they finish or you decide they are finished, if they know they aren’t getting for awhile anyway it doesn’t seem as cool.

    love you guys!!

  2. Alyssa Avatar


    I remember her saying they took him to the store and let him pick out his special treats, and that was the only time he was allowed to eat them. One time he picked picked string cheese and trix yogurt, so maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll want something healthy!

  3. Scott Avatar

    Great ideas! We’ve tried something similar with his vitamins because they look and taste like gummy bears.

    Stay tuned though – We actually had a breakthrough with his eating problems on Friday. I’ll try to report on the blog this coming week. 🙂