Category: Christianity Examined

  • Who really won the Creation Debate? It might surprise you.

    Wow.. two posts in one month? Incredible. So, last Tuesday the much talked about debate between Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham took place surrounding the topics of Creation vs. Evolution. This event was hosted at the Creation Museum, by the group Answers in Genesis. It definitely peeked our family’s interest, as we have shared this…

  • The Authority of The Bible.

    Earlier I outlined my statement of faith, focusing on several areas including Scripture, God, Creation, Angels, Man, Salvation, Maturity, and the Church. My goal is, over time, to explain in greater detail most of these topics. Some topics might overlap, but for the most part this will be a good way to keep the flow…

  • My Faith, Stated.

    I am writing this series to inform people what I believe to be absolute truth. It is my hope that through these postings that I will be able to give a better idea of my beliefs and be able to offer encouragement to others who are seeking out Christ, or to provide at least some…

  • Format Change coming. Christianity, examined.

    It is my hope that 2012 has been great to everyone so far! It’s been great to us. As we’ve entered into the last tail end of this winter, I’m reminded again how much has changed for us in a year. It was about this time last year when we were getting ready to move…