Spring brings new life! This is Lindsey. Scott and I have enjoyed seeing the new beginning that spring brings, from plant life to human life! There is new life popping up all around us. We are rejoicing with four of our friends who have recently added little ones to their families. Also, our Pastor- Craig Yoder- and his wife Alison are currently in China finishing the adoption of their daughter Addison. You can read about their daily adventures here: http://addisonfeijoy.wordpress.com/ God is certainly at work all around us! Congrats Patenaude family, Horn family, Fisher family, Enyart family, and Yoder family!
We are chugging along with our adoption. This whole journey has definitely been a test of our faith. If we could do things OUR way, the process would move quicker and would be a lot more smooth. But, then, where would there be room for God to work? If we do something that we are capable to do with our own hands, then we would be more likely to give ourselves the glory, rather than God. Therefore, we are trying to trust Him with each step of the process and let Him work through it, including the fundraising.
Our flower bulb fundraiser ended successfully! A big THANK YOU to everyone who looked at the brochure and made an order. If you missed out on that fundraiser, or are looking for a way to get involved, we still have the “Running With a Purpose” fundraiser going on. We have $770 $260 of sponsorship for the half marathon that we are looking for. Would YOU consider being a sponsor? Now is the time for all you blog-lurkers to step out of the shadows and make a difference! We know you are out there ;-) Here’s the details:
On May 8th, 2010 Lindsey will be running a half marathon in Indianapolis, Indiana. We would like to dedicate this race to our soon-to-be adopted child. In order to do this, we are looking for a sponsorship of $100 for every mile of the race. Each mile can be a combination of sponsors of different amounts (we can match up sponsors), or one sponsor in total.
The following miles are still available for sponsorship:
Mile 1 (fulfilled)- Jerry & Carrell Howell (PapPap and Grandma)
Mile 2 (fulfilled)- The Hampton Family
Mile 3 (fulfilled)- Michelle Rebman, The Hesterman Family, Stacey Jones
Mile 4 (fulfilled)- The AbuShahin Family
Mile 5 (fulfilled)- The Fisher Familey
Mile 6 ($50 available)- The Richard Howell Family
Mile 7 (fulfilled)- anonymous
Mile 8 (fulfilled)- The Gudeman Family
Mile 9 ($60 available)- The Burton Family
Mile 10-
Mile 11- (fulfilled) – Malissa Frost, The Menke Family, The Kauffman Family
Mile 12- (fulfilled) – Nelson/Moore family “Feel the burn!”
Mile 13- ($50 available) – The Woody Bunch
Thank you for your consideration of being a part of our adoption journey!
Donations can be given to us or tax deductible donations can be made visiting this website:
Under Specify Donation, select General Fund: Adoption as the project type. Under Choose Person, select CWA Family and enter the following:
Scott and Lindsey Howell
2130 Water Crest Lane
Columbus, OH 43209
***Please contact Scott or Lindsey to identify which mile you would like to sponsor at scott@scotthowell.ws or linbin28@yahoo.com or by phone at 614-302-3679.