Nothing is Easy to the Unwilling.

Hey everyone. I can’t really say a lot of exciting things are happening in my life this week. Yesterday I had an alright day. I spent most of it at the coffee shop just hanging out off and on. I got to hang out with most of my close friends throughout the day. I ran some errands with Nic early in the day and later caught up with Ryan before he had to make some trip. Then I hung out again at the coffee shop with Bobby, Nicole, and Amy for a little bit before heading back home. Amy Snyder happened to make a comment to me the other day in a survey about how I’m too much of a nice guy. Well, I probably am sometimes and it’s probably one of my greatest weaknesses but lately I had to do something that wasn’t so nice. I had to do something recently that I feel like shit for doing, but I feel like it was the right thing to do at the time. I don’t mean to hurt people; I just mean to help. Hopefully in time, that will be realized.

Well, other than going to the coffee shop again today for some lunch.. and watching some more Six Feet Under, I’m waiting until tonight to go to the movies with some of my friends. As for other things going on in the near future, I still don’t know if I’m going to E3 or not yet. Time’s kind of running out for that. As for June, me and Andrew are getting ready for his wedding. The hotel in Cincinnati is all picked out and ready to go. Soon we’ll be starting the major preparations for that. Now I just got to figure out a date for this bachelor party. I also talked to Matthew Powers today online. I graduated with him at DeVry. He was one of my close friends at school, and it’s sad that I haven’t seen him. He said he got a hold of Mayling, and that she’s doing well too. My two best friends at school were Matt and Mayling, so I’m hoping soon we can at least grab lunch or something. I haven’t seen either of them since we graduated. In other news… apparently now my PapPap is having bad circulation in his arms, and my mom and aunt just took him to the hospital like five minutes ago. Meh.. I hope he’s ok. I could really use a happier ending to this week.

Not much else to know, thanks for reading friends.