More Good Times

I think I’ve ended up with a really bad cold. I hinted at it yesterday, but now it’s confirmed. It probably didn’t help that I was outside a lot last night in the fridged cold. Ah, I’ve said too much. Last night I went blotting with Ryan, and since it’s supposed to be a secret I won’t go into it in full detail. But I have to say last night was one of the funnest Fridays I’ve had in a long time, and I wasn’t even with any of my close friends. In fact, besides Ryan who I barely know, I hung out with a bunch of people at Harvest Moon, who until yesterday, I just recognized from going there on the weekends with Nic. But I finally got everyone straightened out, and finally can say I made some new friends! Some of the people I talked to the most were Ryan’s friends from Bible College, Chad and Becka, who flew in for the weekend. Once everyone was at the coffee shop we played cards with some more new friends I made including Jessie and.. Jessie. They seem to be good friends, I don’t know how to separate them since they have the same name, but the brunette is a sophomore at Columbus State, and the other is a Blonde who’s a senior from OU in Lancaster. They were both pretty cool, I’m glad I finally got the chance to introduce myself. I find the Columbus State one somewhat attractive… but that’s a secret. Anyway those two were in the first batch of blotting we went on… then another group went with me and Ryan later that night. That group included Mike, Nic’s lab partner from Capital, and the guy who works at Harvest Moon. Also, Rachel Chen came as well. I kind of hung out with the Chens way back in the early days of high school with Andrew a few times. And I’ve kind of re-met Rachel, since I started going to the coffee shop so much. After all the fun, we went to Ryan’s apartment and had hot chocolate. So in all, I had a great time, and I really appreciate Ryan letting me hang out. It was great to make some new friends.

Today, (Saturday), I’m kind of feeling sick from all of last night. I have a really bad cold now. So I didn’t really end up going anywhere tonight. I’m about to head to bed so I get enough rest for when I have to get up in the morning for work. I think that’s all I got.. Later.